Defining Your Core

Core Values help me navigate every mission, big or small.

You can have large over-arching core values for life and adjust them under that canopy for specific projects, missions or goals.

My core values for “rona-geddon” help me focus on JUST FOR TODAY.


Make a plan & work it! You know best what your plan needs in order for you to be successful, however you define success. For me, it’s always a question of whether the thing I’m reaching for supports my wellness, or not.

YES Principle.

Get yourself into alignment with the energy/magic/power of saying YES to this… this being anything in your current field that is rough or an obstacle. Say yes to it so you turn the thing that’s happening TO you, into something that is happening FOR you. I call this the YES Principle.


Alignment with what I come from, with what I am, remembering that… letting the depth of it sink in deeply. Whatever you define as your source, we need to make a conscious choice, each and every day, to choose it. I call that alignment.

With these 3 values defined, the mission of living well during ronageddon is very achievable.

Through The Looking Glass

Inspired by Havi Brooks, I’m gonna do a Friday Chicken. I might even ask her if she’s still using her turquoise wig, well because, it’s cute & I’m gonna be bald here real quick-like.

Anywhoodles… this is an update from Cancerville. Ya ready for cancer my way?

Sunday was Father’s day. I sailed in Long Beach with my dad. What can I say? Bliss. And just the way I thought a girl should spend the day before her first round of chemotherapy.

Monday, I met Shirley who put my “help is on the way” reframe I recently found on an Abraham video into action by squirting me full of magic healing potions. You see, I’m a big bonnet-movie girl. I love Elizabeth and all those movies about the past… and the regalia of charging horses into battle (just saw Snow White at the movies, yeah baby!) Except my men will ride up to cancer and kindly ask it to align with wellness and, if not—well, you know the fairy tales endings 😉

I also decided that my chemo mascot is a guinea pig in Florida named Bobo, who had emergency 5-hour surgery to remove a tooth that had grown over his tongue so he could no longer eat! Bobo is owned & cared for by the mother of the woman I live with. And she is a breast cancer survivor. I’m on the look out for a stuffed animal guinea pig to take to future chemo sessions.

Bobo came today! #gifts #love #support #mascots #guineapig #hugmycancer 

Tuesday I visited oncology to receive a shot of Neulasta which will boost my white blood cells. Joanne is the funniest gosh dern oncology nurse on the planet. I am so crushing on how she brings me the grace in belly fulls.

Wednesday was a big day; two tests. Echo cardiogram of my heart was no big deal. I met Renee. She was pretty. And put stickers on me. But not the fun kid-kind, which we were both pretty perturbed about. “Why no Scoobie Doo for me? Where does it go when we grow up?” we both wondered together outloud.

Later, at test number two, I met Alice. She was available for eye contact and human touch as I lay on my belly and was raised up with my right boob dangling down through a hole on a table. They lassoed my breast, took x-rays to position the needle and then biopsied away. My doctors want to confirm there is no cancer here.

Thursday was hangover day. Can’t really explain it except like that. Disorientation with space & time, no matter how many naps. Lots of resting. I speak to woman about her website via Skype (she’s taking Marie Forleo’s B-School) and she has no idea I have cancer. Until I say so. Weeeeeee. Uh, yeah, please read my blog, okay? Love you!

Friday’s on my blog have usually been held open for Music Saves Me (because it does). My battle cry song as I ride down the freeway in my red superhero underwear (thank you Kris Carr for this amazing tip) is Payphone by Maroon 5. Every single time I head out for an appointment, these two things make me feel rock solid.

On a side note, we are San Francisco bound for Pride this weekend. Before all my hair falls out. I’m planning on getting a henna crown tattoo when it does by one the wonderful folks at

If you’d like to follow along with me, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! My shoebox of memories are being gathered up in a Flickr set called HUG MY CANCER. Remember, you can hug my cancer whenever you want. Get creative! Every tiny bit counts. ❤

Ready to talk about how to feel empowered to survive & thrive on your cancer journey? If you’re interested in shifting some of your own personal stories around health & wellness, this optimystical way I see things is my gift—my superpower—that I’d love to share with you. If you feel you’d benefit by it, visit my coaching page for more info.

Cancerville & Wonderland

Do you know how long the diagnosis process is? It’s long & hard. The not-knowing part is hard on you & your loved ones. And Western Medicine, in all of its wonderful technological advancement, is super thorough.

It’s been six-ish long weeks since I received my initial diagnosis. Really, the very beginning of a process that is requiring patience, letting go & trust.

For the last six weeks or so, I’ve followed cancer. Sometimes because I had to (which is really a choice).

Somewhere after letting go and letting go even more again… you just keep letting go. And surrendering.

After surrender, I began seeing so many things happening in the midst of this terrifying situation. Things I felt I had nothing to do with organizing or orchestrating. Things that I could clearly see & understand were for me.

And so then I became curious. Like Alice in Wonderland. Except I‘m Mynde in Cancerville.

I really want to be telling you more of this story. I imagine myself writing tiny little posts about what I consider nothing. Or trivial. But that’s me worrying about what you’ll think about it. And what you’ll label it and me. Blah bluh blah blaah pfft!

And I don’t want to push. Anything. I’m following. Not fighting, defending, or hiding. Not proclaiming war on anything. Making peace with every moment. Each step on my journey through Cancerville.

And like Alice, I will meet so many new people. People I’m destined to know, connect with; offerings of love, compassion and support. Joining together in faith & hope. Trusting & knowing with certainty our broader destiny. Toward living the rest of our humanly years healthfully, in complete wholeness and utterly transformed by the journey itself.

Are you a journey-er like me?

Of course! You may not have destinations through Cancerville (or maybe you do?)—and we can still make it all into a Wonderland—as we go, if we choose. I’m living what I’m teaching and if you’re ready for a different perspective or to see anything in your life with a twist that brings peace, I’m available for coaching sessions.

Love, War, Armies & Chemotherapy

So, yeah… cancer. My life has changed in so many ways. Duh, right!? I’ve received an outpouring of L.O.V.E. Some shock, disbelief, denial even (as-in no response whatsoever from people you thought might say something).

I choose, Life is busy, for all of us.

I choose, This is hard & difficult news about someone you love & we each have different skills & tools (& timelines) for processing the information.

I choose, To see innocence. And not to judge. Because I am certain I am loved.

Hopefully since my last post though, you’ve been thinking about hugs since

my cancer manifesto is to Love it to death. Harrrrrr !!!

Not everyone is embracing this approach. Even my girlfriend stands firm in her own slogan for this adventure. In other words, her custom tee-shirt says “FUCK CANCER.”

Neither approach is wrong. It’s just that one feels more right for me. And everyone is entitled to feel however they feel about it. Shit, the last thing I need or want is someone telling me I’m doing cancer wrong.

I will be continuing to write. And do all the creative things I love doing like digital photography & design because a wise person/coach once told me ART SAVES LIVES and because I’ve looked through my camera lens enough times when it’s painful or confusing or just doesn’t make sense and found relief, compassion & empathy; and a deeper appreciation for my humanity.

I’m making juice instead of war, thanks to Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Diet. Her book is a Godsend for those who want to be proactive with their diagnosis and have no idea where to begin. GODSEND.

I’m sharing the more intimate parts of my journey and getting support using a private group on Facebook. Thank God for Facebook (technology) and it’s ability to help me connect with and gather up my personal army of love that I call the Love Squad.

I’ve started a Flickr set called HUG MY CANCER which, for now, is my little shoebox of adventure photos.

And I’ve received some of the most amazing responses to the invitation to HUG it, and LOVE it & SQUEEEEZE it & NAME IT my divine diagnosis.

And I watch in wonder as other things simply appear. At the right time. There we are, all lined up together.

Like enjoying an arts & crafter make a bunny-on-a-swing on TV while I wait for 45-minutes for radioactive sugar to make it’s way through my body so it can be picked up while I’m tubin’ it. #calilove

Or finding myself in the hands of two of the most compassionate Doctors and their teams. My breast surgeon is as excited about his website ( and it’s over 240 video answers as he is about determining the very best treatment plan for my cancer.

So how is it, that this heart-centered tech wiz girl-entrepreneur with cancer gets hooked up with compassionate, heart-based & technology-driven doctor entrepreneurs?

I wonder.

All are welcome to my army of Love and I am open to receiving your messages.

A few days ago, I was delighted to learn a dear friend will be walking in my name at a breast cancer charity event.

Another friend texted me last night with this story:

“This is really silly but a young inexperienced girl just drove 30 miles (considered a long haul in the bay area) to buy a loft bed from us. My price was $135. She came with $35, a misunderstanding on her part. She was in tears but still I had to turn her away politely. I felt so awful I couldn’t stand myself… and decided 10 minutes later that this is exactly the opportunity for HUGGGGGGINGGGGG a stranger that I could do! I called her to come back and loaded it into her car. I love you for reminding me to remind myself how good it feels to hug a stranger 🙂 Consider that a hug from me to you!”

Or consider this video posted by another friend on Facebook.

And then HUG MY CANCER; it’s my chemotherapy of choice! Hug anyTHING or anyone (stranger or friend or family or pet or stuffed animal or tree). Get creative. Use your heart & technology and connect! Facebook, Instagram, or your own blog. You with me, me with you. Love grows and expands in mysterious ways. Trust. Believe. You are magic. Now get to concocting your cosmic love potion on me & on us all 😉

Together in one big heart,
xxmm 🙂

Ready to talk about how to feel empowered to survive & thrive on your cancer journey? If you’re interested in shifting some of your own personal stories around health & healing, this optimystical way I see things is my gift—my superpower—that I’d love to share with you. If you feel you’d benefit by it, visit my coaching page for more info.

Hug My Cancer

How do you write about life-changing moments? Like… where do you start? Those biiiiigg stories. That feel like you have to reach far back in time to the beginning, instead of simply saying, this is what it is.

Stories. Our stories. The ones that happened to us. The ones that are happening now. The ones we wish & hope for which I call dreams… stories literally shape our lives. In every way.

I’ve been learning a lot about personal storytelling. And Love.

My personal story got a re-write Friday, May 4th. I have cancer. And what I know is one of the most amazing stories of my life is unfolding.

One I never thought I might be telling, not from this vantage point anyway. And here I am. Optimystical Mynde… pedallar of dreams & the magic of believing. Ironic? Mysterious? Karmic? It is what it is.

I am discovering, if I’m willing to be bravely present-moment-minded, so much of everything I’ve ever asked for, sought after or wanted

is right here.

In every tear drop. In each embrace. Words spoken and unspoken.

For today, the story about me and cancer goes like this… I’m doing everything I can to make peace with it. To Love myself. And it.

And let in the amazing outpouring of Love others are offering.

I’m certain about only a few things. I gotta share the journey.

That’s who I am.

I will continue to do what I have been doing, but in a new & different way. Because that’s what we do.

It’s how we do change.

If you’re kinda stunned right now, I understand. It is kinda like a Mack truck, huh?

If you keep reading, I’ve got an idea that I think might help us both/all.

Hug My Cancer

So, I am a believer that fairies live in the words we spell, in our language. Linda Goodman tipped me off to this language of lexigramming & I recently purchased a book called It’s All In The Name by Sharita Star who’s riffed off what Linda shared and become quite masterful with it.

I’m just starting out. And when I received this diagnosis, through snotted up tears, standing in the kitchen one night rather recently I said to whoever had ears to hear it, “I know the word GRACE is in the word CANCER somewhere!” (Even though clearly there is no G in the word CANCER, d’oh!)

But if you HUG MY CANCER, there is!

Let’s be creative.

When things get hard, it’s time to up the fun-ante (something I talk about in the first chapter of my ebook Web Presence Essentials). Sometimes, when it gets really hard and I can’t imagine what fun would look like or feel like, I think about pre-school children.

My daughter went to a pre-school called ‘Discovery Depot.’ I remember doing a lot of peeking when she was this age. In another’s care. I wanted to see her state-of-mind, her state-of-being. And get the indications “all is well in her world.”

When I close my eyes and peek in on this memory, I see children sitting in a circle, playing, interacting together, filling in the gaps of a real-time reality with imaginings & make-believe.

Be a child with me today or sometime this week. 

  • Draw, paint, write, digital photography, video… just hug my cancer. 
  • Pick up your favorite teddy bear, or your real four-legged furry friend, hug them and share the photo on Instagram or text it to me privately at 714-328-3828. And we’ll hug my cancer, together.
  • is super fun and easy way to record a video and email it anywhere. My email address is mynde (@) myndemayfield (dot) com.

Why would I hug my cancer or want you to? Why not? Love is miraculous. And I’m willing to receive.

Hug my cancer? Won’t you? (Really! I’m certain about this.)

Oh, and what in your life might really begin to shift & change if you decided to love and accept it, instead of fight and conquer it?

Try kindness. Try courage. Try honesty. Try hugs & smiling. Or looking up at the sky. Try not to stop the tears when they want to come. Try. Experiment. Do something different. ♥ ~mm:)

Ready to talk about how to feel empowered to survive & thrive on your cancer journey? If you’re interested in shifting some of your own personal stories around health & wellness, this optimystical way I see things is my gift—my superpower—that I’d love to share with you. If you feel you’d benefit by it, visit my coaching page for more info.

That Day In The Garden

What I imagine the apple said to Eve on that day in the garden…

“Life will break you.

Nobody can protect you from that,

and living alone won’t either,

for solitude will also break you with its yearning.

You have to love.

You have to feel.

It is the reason you are here on earth.

You are here to risk your heart.

You are here to be swallowed up.

And when it happens that you are broken,

or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near,

let yourself sit by an apple tree

and listen to the apples falling

all around you in heaps,

wasting their sweetness.

Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”

Eva Herzigova in El Jardín Secreto de Eva’ (Eva’s Secret Garden), El Pais Moda, March 2010. Original photo by Giampaolo Sgura.


Today, Everybody Gets an ‘A’

I was talking with a client yesterday. She was freaking out. Which happens during the webification process. Six Ways To Staying Optimystical…” was born in a client freak out moment. Danielle LaPorte may have mid-wived it, but the essence of it was drawn from past experience and many moments of messiness.

During moments like the one my client was having and really throughout the entire webification process, I find myself referring all of us back for a review often. The rules for optimystical web presencing can be applied generously throughout your webification adventure and really to everything else in your life and biz.

The Very Serious Business of Web Presencing

And it is serious. Tending to become more serious as we go. Even though generally speaking, my client & I are both pretty focused on a similar outcome; co-creating a unique and fully custom web presence that oozes the essence of her.

For me, this is my business. My solo-preneur business. Buck stops with me, so it’s very personal. And I take it seriously.

For you, my client, it’s serious. It requires an investment of time & resources, plus some blood, sweat and tears. Because this is your business. Your shot at entrepreneurship. And you are pretty flippin’ serious too.

So it starts serious. Gets more serious because my client, You, start figuring out that putting You out there requires some serious courage. I mean, anyone can put up a website or blog. But you are more serious (you’ve hired me & probably others!) And to put yourself out there the right way, the way that will make you money and serve your perfect people with your unique skills, gifts and talent packaged into perfect offers is very serious business!

So where do we go from “This is so serious, I gotta get this right! Jeez, I look around and see how everyone else is doing it so much more right than I am right now!!! Oh shit, is what I’m offering even for real?! I’m not even sure what that is anymore, what the hell am I offering here?!!”

Good question. And the energy or feeling behind those words are even more critical to understand. Because what you feel is what you get. It’s a “your-wish-is-my-command” kinda Universe afterall.

Overwhelmed. In a fit. Terribly confused. Questioning all of it… with her launch date looming down upon her.

What do you think the chances are of her finding a solution or some clarity here, while she’s feeling this way?

So I pulled her out of the details of her muck. I reminded her about Optimystical Rule #5 (actually, all of the rules intersect this story). I wanna know what she’s most committed to, with her web presence?

And I introduce her to Benjamin Zander. She doesn’t know him. I explain that he’s a conductor. And professor or something. And brilliant.

And that at the beginning of each class term, his students are given the assignment of telling the story where they’ve received an ‘A’ in Zander’s class.

The students write up their stories, including things like how they are feeling, what is next for them, what they are most grateful for learning/discovering, what they learned about themselves.

They return to class and turn in their completed first assignments and then Zander says to them, “Great. Good Job…

And I only take ‘A’ students.”

I told her, “I want to know what your ‘A’ story looks like. What it looks like for her to receive an ‘A’ at web presencing. And at expanding her biz, herself too (because it’s all connected). At her willingness to ask herself the good questions, to get support for the freak-out moments, to give herself the space she needed to be confused and overwhelmed.

And then bing! it was there. Relief. The tell-tale sign of right-trackedness. If there is a right (see rule #1).

What happens when you start giving A’s

“Relationships are transformed when you give an ‘A.’  When there’s a breakdown in relationship, you are not giving someone an ‘A.’” ~Benjamin Zander’s wife

In my client’s case, her relationship breakdown was with her own knowing, her inner guidance. And without her ‘A’ story, she was seeking clarity but looking at confusion. Wanting flow & ease while looking at overwhelm. What she was looking for was clearly not in the place where she was looking for it.

She had to get out of the problem to get into her solution. Telling a new ‘A’ story gives her access. Puts her in a new energetic “feeling” bubble. Her focus changes. And inspiration arrives in colorful shapes and sizes.

And at the very least, you’ve got an answer for rule #5’s question about knowing what you are most committed to. When the road gets rocky, you can find your way back to you, your own inner knowing. Reminding yourself you are committed to You. And you’ve got the ‘A’ story to back it up.

An important piece of bedrock in the serious business of web presencing.

Did I make you think?… Share your thoughts in a comment below.

  • Which people, circumstances, and relationships in your life could use an ‘A’ from you?
  • Any person or situation feel impossible to give an ‘A’to? What if you told a new story about that person/situation so they could receive an ‘A’ from you?
  • What other areas of life & biz might benefit from telling a new ‘A’ story?
  • Do you believe changing how you feel about a situation is enough to change the situation itself?

Getting In Line With Your New Story

Abraham calls it Lists of Positive Aspects. Making a book, to hold the place where you are telling yourself new stories about how you want it to be. So you can get in line with those stories now.  One bullet-point at a time.

Telling new stories is another kind of process, or skill. It’s hard sometimes though to begin even thinking about the details of what that would be, when you are in the vibrational slumps of slow-your-mojo. What I need to think about to help myself, is no where to be found.

So I make the step smaller. Telling the new story is too big of a jump from where I am… There is an ease and relief in that decision alone.

List building is my smaller step. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I can make lists. Even standing in line at the store behind the woman writing a check when I’m already late for something important.

I shared the bidnizzy tip of creating a list of positive aspects about your perfect client (and future clients). Here’s another one about using that list once you create it, especially if you are like me and a lot of my clients when we first started out blaaaaaahging or running our own online bizes, you are nervous! And you wonder if you have anything to write about, that is interesting enough to share… and here’s that tip (I made ya wait for it), you can write to that client on the list. Make her your focal point and address the teensiest idea as if you were speaking to her in your office or living room. HUGE help for me and my clients, in the beginning.

But there is something else really important I want to mention. About the idea of training yourself to be looking forward at where you are going. Versus being lost in the here in and now, completely unaware of the vibrational signal you are broadcasting.

Because continuing to look at your here-and-now just keeps more of the here-and-now active and present in your awareness. So the looking-forward thing, the telling-new-stories-about-the-way-I-want-it-to-be thing, starts with identifying smaller aspects or qualities about my life that I want and that would make me feel better about a particular subject or situation. And even better would be to tell a new story that generates feelings of eager anticipation for the thrill of what’s coming next for me!

Life segments as storylines

The Wheel of Life. This is so easy to picture in your head, trust me. Draw a circle, big on the page. Make nice equal segments or spokes on the wheel to make 8 to 10 segments (so 4 or 5 lines, right?)

That’s it. Circle that is now pie  🙂

So I will spit out all the segments for you, to get you started. But first…

What I’d invite you to do, is simply scan the last 24 hours or 7 days and ask yourself what thought you keep thinking over and over. On any subject in your life. What is active right now? Yup, cuz it is. With your constant chronic thinking on it… you’ve activated the shit outta it so it’s a good idea to figure out in which way you’ve activated it (are you worry/fear/doubting or expecting your new story?)

Write the topic of that active chronic thought in one of those wheel segments.

See the truth is, with our untrained attention (and it is), we are pretty much captivated with the one chronic obsessive thought or worry or concern. And it’s our own responsibility to learn about the idea of training our attention. No one else can learn that for us. We must teach it to ourselves.

Writing down the lists of positive aspects and eventually learning to look forward by telling myself a new version of the story, is the training.

  • What major topic am I thinking about chronically? What do those thoughts sound like? Write them down so you can see them. If after reading what you are saying to yourself, you feel good, go directly to GO & COLLECT $200. If not, begin reconstructing your story. What do you want to be feeling? What conditions would need to be present for you to feel that way? And away we go…. (write it all down).
  • Use these other life segments for generating new storylines: Physical Wellbeing/Health, Money, Intimacy/Romance, Friends & Family, Fun & Recreation, Physical Environment, Career/Business.

Build your lists & your new story will come

So start with where you are. Learn to apppreciate the shit outta what you already got and begin conjuring up your make-your-dreams-reality mojo. One bullet-point-at-a-time!

Book of Positive Aspects - The Lady On My Desk
My Book of Positive Aspects - The Lady On My Desk

Wellness & Alignment

In the book Money & The Law of Attraction, I was surprised to discover that money was not the primary focus on the book.

There are really three sections: one reviews principles of Law of Attraction (pivoting & positive aspects), another section on money (obviously), and the last and largest section of the book is about health & wellness.

Why would health & wellness be put before the topics of money/abundance or even the all time favorite for most of us, relationships and love?

Here’s the nugget I got. A teeny piece of clarity that I took action on. It didn’t feel full of effort either, the decision to do something. It felt more like inspiration.

In the physical world, with my physical body, I experience this life. Even though (I believe) there is a larger part of each of us that remains connected to that which created it all or Source.

Abraham sort of drove home for me, in the larger part of this book that had a title about money but which was really about health & wellness, that if feeling good (or better) is the primary condition for easing myself into alignment, if I can feel good in my physical body, it will serve as a sort of filter for my entire physical experience.

The body being the major actor in our whole life experience, if it’s functioning at its optimal state of health & wellness, can be one of the primary ways we get in touch with states of feeling good.

When you talk with people who are at the top of the physical wellness game, its obvious the confidence they feel and how on fire about life they are. And the primary motivation behind that fire, is that they feel good within themselves. They are, in fact, practicing a form of self appreciation.

So, something clicked that day for me. About how I could use my body as a filter, to pre-pave the entirety of my physical experience, through the feel-goodedness I could create within my physical wellbeing.

I kinda felt like I had picked up on some important tip here. That I seemed to have missed up until now.

What does this have to do with building lists?

Well, certainly your physical wellness is a primary segment of life to focus on. I’ve told you why body or wellness in general became my primary focus, initially in this process of playing with these techniques.

And you can sit down and begin a positive aspect list for your wellness and your body (including mental, spiritual, emotional aspects as well).

And if you decide you want to use your body, in the same way I have, then if you choose to build a list of positive aspects about your wellness, you will be launching off into alignment with that desire with much more intent, focus, clarity, mojo… whatever you call it. (Abraham refers to it as the energy that creates worlds, so the power to be a creator?)

As opposed to doing it the way I’ve approached my wellness most of my entire life until now. Which is, that I would launch off into the wellness journey from the foundation or platform of “I really can’t stand this part of myself, or how I look in a picture/on video or how I feel in my clothes…” and on and on. If you’re a woman, I know she hears this and, unfortunately, it’s familiar.

So creating a list of positive aspects puts us, at a minimum, in a state of neutrality (we’ve ceased thinking the self-loathing thoughts) and sometimes even better is we get shot into the future picture of our wellness and we begin to call it with our focus or attention to the list of positive shizzle we just wrote down.

In bed at night, I think about having the body that gives me the most pleasure to have. How wonderful my body is, that my cells know and understand wellness automatically! With or without my participation. And now imagine if I’m participating in my wellness?

What if I got in line with that future wellness picture and started living it right here, right now? If only in small segments of my imagination at first.

And then I go walk. Or eat. Get dressed. Drink a glass of water. Or just take a few moments to completely and thoroughly enjoy several deep slow breathes. The abundance of air that I can fill my lungs with and then how easily I release, let go, relax and exhale… not even thinking twice about whether or not there will be enough oxygen for the next one. Just automatically enjoying all that I need, right here, in this moment.

What if, you set out on your journey to wellness, using a launching pad of acknowledging those things which you desire and how it will feel to be in alignment with those desires? And what if, you made peace with your body where you are right now with it, by simply looking for qualities of wellness that you/your body already possess?

I hope you’re taking the time to create your lists of positive aspects. Today I hope you’ll consider your own journey toward wellness. Writing down the specific qualities of your wellness. How you are feeling in your body, about your body. It doesn’t matter if your current reality doesn’t match where you are going. The here & now is only temporary. You are just passing through. On your way toward alignment.

In the final days of 40 days of Alignment, I’ve invited a few favorite people to share in a guest post, their ideas about alignment and what it means for them. You’ll be hearing from my wellness coach/friend/colleague, Lisa Capehart, the lovely Jessica Reagan Salzman will share her alignment & money slant, and finally, Judy Kinney will stop by with some perspectives on LOVE & relationships. I’m really excited about sharing these women with you and hoping some of their perspectives will help you consider items for your lists of positive aspects for those subjects.


The Care & Feeding of a Baby Blog

So you’ve created (well really, you and I created) this nice new place on the web, that’s all you. Your brilliance. Your thing. For sale. And most likely for free, are your thoughts, expressed in the form of writing.  All hanging out there naked. For other people to read. And sometimes react or respond to (comments, emails).

It can be a lil nerve-wracking. In the beginning. And getting over and around your pressing-publish-button fears can be a very necessary distraction. You’ve got to see if you can do this. If you can bare your soul to win your ultimate freedom… getting paid to do what you love!

And this post is actually about something even more important. It’s about taking care of the baby once it’s born. Keeping its immunization records up-to-date. So it can become a nice healthy blog, stable for the receiving of all your good creative mojo and optimystical expansion.

This week, I discovered a gigantic gaping hole. And that was, that I haven’t really been telling you the whole story behind the importance of keeping your baby blog immunized or….. updating.

You know, you land on your WordPress admin panel and there is a little circle next to the plugins nav (just like when you have a comment) or this nagging message at the near-top of your admin screen that says something like “Upgrade to WordPress 3.0.1. Please update now.”

Yes, I’ve done this video post on how to upgrade your WordPress software. And talked about backing up your WordPress installation regularly, especially right before a Mercury Retrograde. I’ve also tackled showing y’all how to update your Thesis theme (plus covered several other very helpful topics) here in my video library.

But I think somewhere in translation, while having fun & taking it slow and easy with you, I forgot to emphasize the point of this here post:

If you don’t upgrade your WordPress software, your blog will go poof.

Updating WordPress

WordPress isn’t asking us to upgrade to their latest & greatest simply to introduce cool new features & functionality. They are patching security vulnerabilities in the WordPress software core. Not because WordPress sucks (WordPress is actually god. Period), but because more and more people are using WordPress which makes it a big target.

Updating Plugins

Right after WordPress software upgrades, come plugin upgrades. I’ve also done a video tutorial on what they are and how to upgrade them. Super easy. And again, hackers are looking for vulnerabilities and plugins are one way into the core of your blog, and so become another target of said malicious intentions.
Click for full screen version.

Looking for video help like this?
Check out the Video Library

Updating Your Thesis Theme

After plugins, your theme files are also a target. Make sure your theme is always up-to-date and upgrade it regularly. The creator of the Thesis theme will email you when introducing a new version. (Those emails are often forwarded to me… with a “please help me” distress call embedded in them).

In my custom Thesis web design package, I offer 90-minutes of online teaching/training/showing. I’m thinking going through the steps of learning how to upgrade & backup your blog are things you can definitely do. Once you know, what to do.

Wanna know what to do? Set up an online training session with me for some hand holding through the maze (or gawd forbid, to perform blog resuscitation… Which I did this weekend. The babe was in ICU for the first few days of the week, doing well now and we expect will have a full recovery).

Happy optimystical endings!

And… perform upgrades promptly & plan regular backups for your blogs ladies!