Best of ’09 – Food Live Rush

Best of ’09 is a series of posts inspired by Gwen Bell’s The Best of 09 Blog Challenge. It’s a challenge designed to help me write more and rediscover more grateful moments in my 2009! Hopefully, 31 posts in 31 days 😉

Best food I’m skipping because I wrote about it in best restaurant.

Best change we made to the place we live. That is an interesting story. Because we did move entirely this year. Always a major life event.

I’ve moved three times in the last four years. All within about a 3 mile radius of where I started out. Weird co-inky-dink? Probably not so much. Probably my life, teaching me again. Spiral-y patterns of lessons attempted until mastered.

Anyway, we moved in April. Weeks before my 40th birthday. I still feel kinda ripped off, but shhh, don’t tell anyone. But the move-thing definitely crashed my 40th. Thank goodness there are at least 40 more birthdays coming!

We moved into a friend’s place. Literally took over the lease. And what has been sooooo weird, is that for months I felt like I lived at Holly’s house. Like a weird dream. Yeah. All my shit is hanging on her walls, and my stuff is there. The cats. Honeybee has her room. We even live with her roommate! Yes, wacky dream that is reality.

I’ve used nearly most of a smudge stick too. Not that the place is dirty or anything like that… just trying to clear the energy and help myself wake up to my reality. That I live at Holly’s House!

So we re-arranged in the master bedroom and that felt a lot better. Yay. Not that we’re sleeping on someone else’s furniture. It’s just your things can only go into so many places in a room. We also very recently painted the master bathroom. And that feels better.

And I get occasional glimpses. As I walk through a hallway or I’m putting towels away. I actually believe for a moment this really is our place. But all the cards say we’re moving. Again. Who really knows?

Best rush. A few little ones. But really not little at all. Since I’ve been playing and experimenting with the whole thoughts become things, and paying even more attention to how I feel when I think certain thoughts.

And what’s really cool is when I have the presence of mind to catch a habit-like thought along the lines of “nope, can’t & better not” and instead think about the possibility of having exactly what I want. And noticing how great that feels.

And then BAM!

Something happens, sometimes immediately, that confirms. And it’s weird the confirmation part, but you know that’s what it is. Synchronicity.

And the rush. Of connecting all those dots together. And realizing that maybe it’s really real. Thoughts to things. And maybe I really am responsible for it all. Maybe I really do have a say in it. Maybe it’s more up to me than I ever thought. And maybe there is no such thing as impossible after all.

In that moment, I get a very big rush!

RT @MauraAura I love those who yearn for the impossible. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. TheWordWire says:

    I can imagine that it’s quite a strange feeling to move into a friend’s old place, but I’m sure you’ll make your own mark on it soon enough. And cheers to 40 more years no matter where you live!
    .-= TheWordWire´s last blog ..San Diego, New Orleans, and Las Vegas Travel Secrets =-.


  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Mynde, Mynde, Mynde…this so made me smile. I could see you in your home…making and molding the place that once was Holly’s in to ya’lls space. I have a sneaky feeling that HOME is where you, the cats, honeybee, and your gal live and where your friends call “the girl’s house” when they go to visit. Just sayin’…home is YOU girlie! I always feel right at HOME with Mynde.

    Aweosme post…again!


  3. Pingback: Julie Daley
  4. Julie says:

    Wow. Now that’s a rush. I found the time between intention and happening even shorter in India. It was an amazing rush. I’ve heard that from others, too. Who knows.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..Nature’s Design: Beautifully Packaged =-.


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